
Nordic PhD course in plant imaging and phenotyping in Tromsø, Norway 22.-26.11.2021 (3 ECTS)

Nordic PhD course in plant imaging and phenotyping in Tromsø, Norway 22.-26.11.2021 (3 ECTS)
Course topic: Novel imaging methods in plant stress research
Place: UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Time of the course: Lectures and practical part 22.- 24.11.2021, and attending 3rd NordPlant Annual meeting
25.-26.11.2021 “Successful Plant Modelling and Phenotyping for the Nordic Countries – What is needed?”

• Lectures 6h by Prof. Markku Keinänen, UEF/UiT
• Practical course: Imaging of plant stress symptoms with PlantEye scanner, hyperspectral and thermal
• One day for practising/demonstration of computational data processing of the results
• Participants will write report about the experimental work
• Participants will also write short summary of five NordPlant workshop presentations according to their

Schedule and more information here

To register for the course or for additional information, please email: