
1st UPSCALE online seminar: “Potential of the integration of cell physiological phenotyping via enzyme activity profiling in functional field phenomics” 26 May 9-9:45 CEST!

The NordForsk funded project UPSCALE strives to record and merge crop biosignatures. This i necessary to better monitoring crop performance out in the field. For this to be truly efficient it needs to be upscaled and cover large areas. This can only be done by remote sensing by satellites which is a rapidly expanding area

UPSCALE is presenting a number of online presentations with Q&A sessions to advance the knowledge related to this area in the Nordic/Baltic area. As part of this series we invite you to: 1st UPSCALE online seminar: “Potential of the integration of cell physiological phenotyping via enzyme activity profiling in functional field phenomics” 9:00-9:45 CEST, 26 May online! Sign up for the event below.

The seminar is presented by Prof Thomas Roitsch (University of Copenhagen) and Dr Pedro Garcia Caparros (University of Copenhagen and SLU) and will be followed with an open discussion at the end. Enzyme activity profiling can be a powerful way to monitor crops and advance the understanding of crop performance in the field.

Time: 9:00-9:45 CEST, Friday 26 May

Place: online (a zoom link will be provided upon registering below)

UPSCALE is run by The Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC), Lund University, University, SLU, University of Helsinki and UiT the Arctic Aniversity of Norway with associated partner University of Copenhagen. The project builds upon ideas from the NordPlant univerisity hub and NordPlant will carry future news about the UPSCALE project. It spans over four years (2023-2026). If you want to receive more information about UPSCALE please contact the coordinator Erik Alexandersson.